Thursday, May 31, 2012


              Went to our first Baptism in Ganado, AZ. A young woman and her son.  Elder Rice conducted and I led the Music. First time I'd led music in 20 years. but I did OK. They have Player Piano's here you punch in a # and tell it Piano or Organ and it plays it for you. kind of cool. 

                                                                     Window Rock AZ
                                                          Capitol of the the Navajo Nation

This is the window in the rock. In front of it is a Park like area with a sidewalk circle where the flags of colors of the Navajo Nation. Red ,Yellow, Blue and White. each is a symbol of something they believe in.
I don't know just what, I'll find out. In front on the left is a statue of a Code Talker. During WW 2  they helped the Army build a code that the Japanese could not decipher. they started with only a handful of Navajo Men who developed the code from Navajo language. by the end of ww2 their were over 400 Code Talkers. this was all classified until about 1968 when they were declassified. and received some recognition. by then a lot of them had died.

                                                                                          Here's Elder Rice standing by the statue 

This is me with the couple we were taking to gat their Marriage licence. Their name's are  Cedric,and Leanna,the baby girl is Jordyn they are eager to get Married. so then they can be Baptized. they live across the street from the Church. Is'nt she a cutie.
these are some of the Navajo Nation Services Buildings
These are some trees along the Highway on the way out of town going back towards Steamboat, AZ they look a little like trees in OR ,only not as many.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

This is our Chapel.
Our home is on the left

This is the land near where we live
Here are some homes
A windmill with a water tank for livestockMore country

Here's some pictures of AZ as we traveled to Steamboat AZ
Lots of dirt and rocks not much green.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This is our entrance to the ranch in Arkansas,We sure miss the green grass.
Our Home in Arkansas

                                                                      the horses

the cows

the chickens

but mostly we miss the Grandkids

I did it, here is a picture of us at the Kansas City Temple Open house, with Christy,Ariona,Makenzie,Levi and Janet Hohn, Dad's counsin.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hi everyone,
We have had a wonderful week at the MTC. We have met some wonderful people, they are preparing to serve the Lord all over the world. We have wonderful Teachers ( former Missionaries). We Were able to attend a Devorional on Tuesday evening. the Speaker was Elder D. Tod Christofferson of the Qourum of the Twelve and his wife Sister Kathy Christofferson. It was so special to set in their presence.
We were there with about 2200 other missionaries.  Their talks were so real and full of Love for all the missionaries. He Blessed all of the Missionaries and thanked us for our service. He said as an Apostle of the Lord his commision is to teach the Gospel to all the World, and he couldn't do it with out our help.

This is Brother Barney our teacher at the MTC
Tomorrow is our last day at the MTC We hate to leave shch a wonderful place. after we leave the MTC We are going to the Provo Temple. then we are on our way to Farmington, New Mexico. We have found out that we will serve in Steamboat,AZ about 174 miles south-west of Farmington. they tell us their is only 2 Priesthood holders there, The Branch Pres. and his counsler.  We will be about 20 miles off Paved roads.
We are excited to serve the Lord, and can hardly wait to get started.     All our Love to all of you

Here we are with 2 other couple Missionary's who are serving in the New Mexico, Farmington Mission
                                                                        Elder and Sister Rice